A Word From the VP
Dear Colleagues,
I hope 2021 is off to a good start for you. No doubt we are all glad to finally be done with 2020, the longest year in history. We continue to live with the personal and professional challenges of the pandemic, but I am optimistic that something approximating “normal” life will resume sometime this year. Until it does, I hope that everyone continues to do all they can to remain healthy and happy.
This issue of the newsletter is filled with happy news. We recognize and congratulate faculty colleagues who earned promotion and/or tenure this year. Congratulations are also extended to those who were awarded sabbaticals and professional development leaves. I want to thank the faculty members who served on promotion/tenure, sabbatical, and professional development leave committees. Your time and effort on behalf of your colleagues is much appreciated.
For those of you still on the path to promotion or tenure, I hope you will take advantage of upcoming workshops, writing retreats, faculty forums and a variety of other professional development opportunities that are highlighted in this newsletter. If you don’t see what you need in these offerings, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us to address your needs (fda@fsu.edu).
Finally, next week you will receive invitations to participate in the COACHE faculty satisfaction survey (see the section below for more information). Your responses to this survey provide invaluable information that the university uses to formulate policies and set priorities. I hope that you will all participate.
I wish you all a healthy and productive semester.
Janet Kistner
Professor of Psychology
Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement
Faculty Support from FDA
Weekly Writing Retreats
It probably makes sense to all of us that regular times dedicated to writing produces ample research for promotion, tenure, and more. But how does a faculty member in a normal year teach, mentor, provide service to the university and still make sure that regular writing time happen? More importantly, how does a faculty member living through a global pandemic and continuing national crises make regular writing happen? A commitment to a group of your peers to meet and write in camaraderie has made regular writing times a reality and a bit of sanity for many FSU faculty during 2020. Why don't you come join us in 2021? We meet virtually (of course); you may come when you can and leave when you must; we ask that you report your goals and your progress on your goals during the session. No registration required; just join the Zoom call when you can.
Zoom Writing Sessions for Spring 2021
Mondays, 12:30pm - 5:00pm Zoom link
Tuesday, 12:30pm - 5:00pm Zoom link
Wednesday, 8:30am - noon Zoom link
Thursday, 8:30am - noon Zoom link
Friday, 10:00am - 2:00pm Zoom link
Path to Full Support
Strategies for Being Proactive on Your Path Towards Full
Join us on February 26th at 1:30pm to learn strategies for envisioning your unique path to Full Professor, requesting and receiving mentorship on that vision, and balancing "yes" and "no." Vice President Janet Kistner will lead this session. Registration is required. Materials will be provided.
Full Professor Leadership
In December of 2020, more than 60 Full Professors gathered via Zoom to talk about the “moral mandate” to shape the academy and mentor junior colleagues. If you want to think more about how you can contribute to campus climate change, healthy retention of colleagues, and opportunities for meaningful work, plan on joining us March 26, 2:00pm – 3:30pm. We will begin this next session with three discussion groups led by Full Professors: Mentorship; Service; Campus Climate and then convene all three discussion groups for reporting and planning. Faculty leaders include: Paul Marty (College of Communication and Information); Dave Gussak (College of Fine Arts); Nicole Patton-Terry (College of Education). Registration required.
New Faculty Development Deep Dive
This spring faculty new to FSU will continue convening once per month for discussion and fellowship and we began bright and early in January. Our Deep Dive course includes materials for career development, opportunities for engagement with your peers, and guest speakers who have already successfully navigated annual reviews, promotion, and tenure at FSU. If you joined us last semester, we hope you return. If you did not join us last semester, please join for this term. To register for the course in Canvas, email Peggy Wright-Cleveland.
On January 29, we hosted our first guest speaker, Dr. Youneng Tang from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. An Assistant Professor, Dr. Tang shared with us how he has established a mentor network using the NCFDD model. Register for the course or email Peggy Wright-Cleveland to be alerted to future meetings like this one.
Fulbright Information and Application Workshops
The Fulbright Scholar program has continued to accept applications and work to get people safely abroad and home during Covid and FSU faculty have continued to use the Fulbright Scholar program to develop their careers and programs, create and strengthen international collaborations, and expand their teaching and research. New awards will be announced in February.
You may get an introduction to the 2022-23 Fulbright awards by registering for any of the following webinars offered by CIES.
The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program: What's New for 2022-2023
Date: February 03, 2021 - 2:00pm to 3:00pm EST
This webinar is designed to highlight new Fulbright U.S. Scholar opportunities for the 2022-2023 academic year. Program Staff will present on new awards across all regions and answer questions from attendees.
Please register here. -
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Opportunities in Western Hemisphere
Date: February 10, 2021 - 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST
This webinar is designed to highlight Fulbright U.S. Scholar opportunities in the Western Hemisphere - from Canada to Chile. Program staff that specialize in the Western Hemisphere will present on key awards in the region and answer questions from attendees.
Please register here. -
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Opportunities in Europe and Eurasia
Date: February 17, 2021 - 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST
This webinar is designed to highlight Fulbright U.S. Scholar opportunities in the Europe and Eurasia region. Program staff that specialize in this region will present on the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program in Europe and Eurasia, showcase select awards, and answer questions from attendees.
Please register here. -
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Opportunities in the Middle East and North Africa
Date: February 24, 2021 - 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm EST
This webinar is designed to highlight Fulbright U.S. Scholar opportunities in the Middle East and North Africa. Program Staff that specialize in the Middle East and North Africa will present on the region, showcase select awards, and answer questions from attendees.
Please register here.
More dates and times available.
After you are familiar with 2022-23 Fulbright awards, join your FSU colleagues for instruction on submitting the most compelling application:
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program: Application Workshop
Date: February 23, noon - 1:30pm, via Zoom.
Workshop leader: Peggy Wright-Cleveland, Ph.D., Fulbright Scholar to Côte d'Ivoire 2015-16
Please register here.
NCFDD Faculty Forums
Pre-Covid, FSU faculty would meet once per semester to view together an NCFDD webinar and take time after the webinar to process and discuss. We can't meet to watch the webinar together, but we can gather via Zoom to talk about what we heard and how we want to move forward. Check out the following topics and discussion dates and sign up to be part of an FSU faculty group of participants.
Cultivating Compassion & Collectivism: A Multi-Week Course to Facilitate Healing from Racial Trauma led by Dr. Della Mosley, University of Florida.
- Week 1: Wednesday, February 10, 2:00pm - 3:00pm; FSU discussion Friday, February 12, 9:00am - 10:00am.
- Week 2: Wednesday, February 17, 2:00pm - 3:00pm; FSU discussion Friday, February 19, 9:00am - 10:00am.
- NCFDD Webinar Registration
Navigating Faculty Career Transitions: Getting to Mid-Career and Beyond led by Dr. Lisa Wolf-Wendel, Tuesday, March 23, 2:00pm – 3:00pm. NCFDD Webinar Registration. FSU Discussion via Zoom from 3:00pm – 4:00pm.
Turning Chutes into Ladders for Women Faculty: A Roadmap to Equity in Academia led by Dr. Michelle Cardel. Archived at NCFDD. FSU discussion via Zoom April 7 from 3:00pm – 4:00pm.
If you need more anti-racism resources for your personal and professional growth, FSU’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion offers a HUGE selection.
Faculty Support from Across Campus
Welcome New Faculty!
FSU Research Mentor Academy Spring 2021 Faculty Workshop Series
We are currently offering this training to FSU faculty on a research line (Tenure Track or Specialized) who are currently active in mentoring early career researchers, including graduate students, postdocs, and junior faculty in health-related fields. The goal is to provide training in optimizing mentoring relationships for mentors and mentees at all levels of their research careers. Spaces are limited to around 14 participants. We do ask for full participation and commitment in this valuable series; the time-commitment is for noon - 2:00pm on March 31st, April 7th, April 14th, and April 21st. Register here or sign up on a waiting list for future sessions.
Office of Research Workshops, On Demand and Live
Faculty Celebrations
Promotion and Tenure
Congratulations to FSU faculty who have achieved promotion and/or tenure in 2021. We are proud of your accomplishments and glad you are part of the FSU community.
Specialized Faculty Promotion
Congratulations to FSU Specialized Faculty who have achieved promotion in 2020. We benefit from your professional growth and are proud of your accomplishment.
Professional Development Leave
Congratulations to specialized faculty who were awarded a one-semester Professional Development Leave for the 2021-2022 academic year.
Sabbatical Leave
Congratulations to our accomplished faculty earning sabbatical leave next year. Sabbatical leave enables faculty to focus their attention on one project and make significant headway. We wish creativity and productivity to all 2021-22 recipients.
Nominations are Open for the Ralph Stair Prize in Innovative Education
Inaugurated in 2013, the Ralph Stair Prize in Innovative Education is awarded biennially to an individual or collaborative team at FSU who has developed innovative education approaches that demonstrate the potential of having great impact nationally and internationally. "Innovative educational approaches" include but are not limited to the following: textbooks, Internet sites, distance learning approaches, online delivery of course materials and content, instructor materials, student materials, uses of technology to enhance learning and evaluation of learning.
This award is open to all FSU faculty, instructors, lecturers, adjuncts, and others involved in teaching and the development of educational materials.
Nominations are due March 8, 2021.
Nuts and Bolts
Get More Intelligent Funding Recommendations through Pivot's Automatic Citation Ingest from ORCID
The Pivot funding database uses researchers' profile information in its recommendation engine, matching grants and collaborators to researchers. Now, citations added or updated in a scholar's ORCID profile will cascade near real time and seamlessly into their Pivot profile. Integration of this updated publication information helps Pivot learn more about the scholar's research area, improving recommendations for funding sources and collaborators. This latest enhancement to Pivot eliminates the need for scholars to key citations in their Pivot profile, freeing them to spend more time evaluating opportunities.
ORCID provides researchers with a unique identifier - an ORCID ID - and links their research outputs and activities to their ORCID ID. Many systems used by publishers, funders, and institutions include ORCID integrations. FSU is working with ORCID to collect IDs for our faculty and connect them to the information about your research activities stored in FSU's systems. Please visit ORCID at FSU and click on the "Create/Connect your ORCID ID" button to authorize the collection and use of your ORCID iD in FSU's systems. If you have not yet registered for an ORCID ID, you will be prompted to do so as part of the process.
Once you have created your ORCID ID, you can link it to your Pivot Profile in three easy steps:
- Access your Pivot Account
- Click "Your Profile" in the drop down menu under your name in the top-right corner of the screen
- Click the Edit Profile button
- Click the + Add button next to the ORCID heading
- Follow the directions to either create an ORCID account or sign in to an existing account
- Authorize Pivot to read your ORCID profile
If you have questions about connecting your Pivot Profile to ORCID, please email FSU's ORCID Task Force.
Social Media at FDA
FSU faculty have three robust social media platforms dedicated to celebrating their accomplishments and building an inclusive and invigorating community. The content for these platforms is created and curated by undergraduate interns supervised by Peggy Wright-Cleveland. This semester, we are happy to welcome Jenesis Shaw and Rebecca Yap to our team and to welcome back Antonio Ortiz.

Jenesis is a junior at Florida State University studying media and communications. Jenesis tells us, "Communication is one of the most important tools that we have as human beings. A change, a vision, a message cannot spread or be accomplished without being communicated - whether it's to a team, an audience, or potential buyers. Social media, specifically, is such a great avenue for communication because it allows the spread of messages unique to both the sender and receiver. I've dedicated my college experience to growing and gaining more experience in the wonderful and ever-expanding world of communications." Welcome, Jenesis.

Rebecca is a Junior double majoring in Marketing and Management Information Systems. She discovered her love for digital marketing and writing through her experience with FSU's Her Campus chapter, where she is a Staff Writer and member of their social media team. She is excited about this internship with the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement because she wants to expand and strengthen her brand development and content creation skills through various platforms. Welcome, Rebecca.

Antonio, 2020 graduate of FSU's Creative Writing program, is returning to FDA remote work with a new title: Social Media Leadership intern. After four semesters of expanding FDA's social media presence, Antonio has developed the tools necessary to lead the new team of interns, overseeing intern orientation, campaign development and data analysis. The aim is to build a team of highly collaborative leaders. Welcome back, Antonio.
It's a COACHE Year
What’s a COACHE year, you ask?
This is a year in which FSU faculty get to record their satisfaction about their work environment. FSU has participated in Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education surveys every three years since 2015, and 2021 will host our next survey cycle. Look for your opportunity to voice your opinion later this spring.
What is COACHE?
The COACHE survey is unique because it not only assesses levels of satisfaction of FSU faculty across multiple domains of their work, but also compares FSU data to a national cohort and a select group of peer institutions. The national cohort is comprised more than 100 universities that complete the COACHE survey and who identify as generally similar to FSU (e.g., University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, University of Texas-Austin, North Carolina State University, Indiana University, Purdue University).
What difference has COACHE made at FSU?
Our 2018 COACHE survey showed no official areas of concern, as defined by COACHE, but we did find two areas in need of improvement: 1) fostering interdisciplinary work; and 2) mentoring for associate professors. Increasing interdisciplinary research and teaching is part of the university’s strategic plan and a number of initiatives are currently underway to address this area that will lead to greater faculty satisfaction. To address concerns raised by associate professors, listening sessions with associate professors were held to better understand the issues and, based on their feedback, a series of workshops were created to support associate professors in their pursuit of promotion. Meetings with department chairs and deans have stressed the importance of mentoring for associate professors and the need for constructive feedback in annual letters on progress toward promotion. These efforts are ongoing.
The FSU Faculty Community
A Word from the Faculty Senate President
Fall semester is complete, the holidays have come and gone, and a new year has arrived. Although Spring semester won't have a spring break and we'll begin the term in remote mode, the covid-19 vaccines that have been developed will go a long way in helping us return to normal operations. I am looking forward to getting back to in-person meetings with my colleagues and students.
I hope you watched President Thrasher's State of the University Address on December 2. If not, a recording of his presentation is available at the WFSU website. As you are probably aware, this is most likely President Thrasher's final such address to the senate. The search for our new president has already begun, please check the presidential search website for details.
My thanks to those who participated in the voting on the latest round of constitution changes passed by the senate this fall. In January, FSU faculty approved some technical changes to the constitution. These most recent changes were more substantial, aimed at defining and broadening the scope of faculty membership in the senate.
The Faculty Senate met on January 20, 2021. Like our meetings since March, it was held on Zoom. Our meetings are open and all are welcome to attend. Details can be found at the Faculty Senate web page.
Stay healthy and have a good winter break,
Eric Chicken
Department of Statistics
Faculty Senate President
Stay in Touch
Follow us on social media to see what your colleagues are up to. Hint: following us on Instagram helps keep you connected to information going to students from faculty and about faculty. Have a message for students? Let us get it on Instagram for you!