A Word From the VP
Greetings! I wish you all a happy and productive summer. This issue of the FDA newsletter contains lots of lists including our newly tenured and newly promoted faculty members, our university (research, teaching, advising, mentorship) award winners, and our faculty colleagues who received major national awards in 2016-17. We offer our heartiest congratulations to all of them!
The primary mission of this office is to assist faculty members in their academic pursuits. In AY 2016-17, FDA has hosted or facilitated three faculty writing groups, a series of faculty affinity group lunches with the provost, two Fulbright Scholar application workshops, monthly Faculty Writing Retreats, and post-tenure conversations (see below for more information about these activities and how you may apply). If you participated in any of these (or other) FDA sponsored activities, we welcome your feedback. If you have ideas about new faculty development opportunities you’d like our office to offer, please let us know. Over the summer, my FDA colleagues and I will meet to lay out our plans for the 2017-18 academic year. This is the perfect time for you to provide feedback and suggestions about what our office can do to better support and advance your academic careers. Here’s a link to a VERY brief survey to gather your ideas about faculty development opportunities you would like for us to offer.
Faculty Development Interest Survey 2017
Faculty Support
Three Faculty Lead their Peers in a Successful Writing Collective
In Spring 2017, FSU hosted its first Faculty of Color Writing Collective. Sponsored by the President’s Council on Diversity and Inclusion, supported by the Provost’s Office, and led by Dr. Rhea Lathan, Dr. Tamara Bertrand Jones, and Dr. Patricia Golay, the nineteen members of the FOC Writing Collective pilot met weekly from March 3 until April 28. The Collective served as an accountability group, providing practical strategies designed to help faculty keep scholarship a priority while balancing the many other professional responsibilities. The group also participated in seminars about specific writing challenges, national award application strategies, promotion, and tenure. Participants included junior, mid-career, and senior faculty from different disciplines. Overwhelmingly, the group found the time together instructive, the community important, and the accountability crucial. Lara Perez-Felkner, Assistant Professor in Higher Education, reported, “I’ve moved papers forward but also and perhaps more importantly was able to see and work to remedy the social and intellectual isolation I had been feeling here on issues around race, ethnicity, status, and intersections.” Michael Creswell, an Associate Professor in History said, “ I was pleased to see so many faculty members who cared enough about writing and research to give up a few hours every Friday to meet and discuss matters of mutual concern. I was also very pleased at the level of camaraderie. Everyone seemed willing to help everyone else, and no one was sporting an outsized ego.” All Collective members reported clear progress (if not completion) on their writing projects and all said they would participate again and planned to maintain accountability with each other after the end of official programming. Congratulations to Rhea, Tamara, and Pat on their leadership in this initiative.
Summer Accountability Groups – You Are Invited!
Another academic year has ended successfully. Your scholarship is growing; your teaching is developing. Now you look to the summer, full of hope and ambition, vowing to write every day and to prepare your national fellowship applications. But that was the same plan you had last summer and not a single application was submitted.
Another academic year has roared to a halt. You have survived. You were challenged in your teaching, in your research, in your writing and presenting. You rose to those challenges and have offers from colleagues across the country to publish, collaborate, and present. You head into summer, head down, grateful for time to finally write it all. But you know that is impossible. You know you have to choose one thing, focus, and push even though that family/house/dog/health you neglected this year will beckon to you every day now that you are “free” for awhile.
If you resonate with either of these scenarios, or even parts of one, consider joining a peer accountability group this summer to push you forward. Open to all faculty, these groups will require each member to check-in weekly and report on writing progress and challenges, offer support, and respond to drafts if requested. Peggy Wright-Cleveland will be available to field questions, research and make connections when helpful, and facilitate accountability. Check-in can be either face-to-face or online. We know this works. Thirty years of faculty development research supports it. Click below to apply:
Summer Fellowship Application Writing Accountability Summer Writing Accountability
Diversity and Inclusion Practices Request
FSU faculty and students work independently and together to broaden their own world views, to assess their own areas of exclusion and homogeneity, and to explore the complexities of living in relationships that change us.
The Office of Faculty Development and Advancement is seeking stories of lives lived in diversity and inclusion. What studies, tools, and learning opportunities for expanding your world and making your classroom, research, scholarship, and leadership more inclusive and diverse have you created and used? Let us know what works best for you. Tell us about your growth. Tell us how diversity and inclusion have strengthened your critical thinking, your creativity, your problem-solving, and your expression. Tell us so we can tell others.
If you have a story to share about how inclusion has impacted your research or your teaching, email Peggy Wright-Cleveland at mwrightc@fsu.edu.
In case you have not seen this yet, here is part of FSU’s story on diversity:
FSU Institutional Support: http://hr.fsu.edu/?page=diversity/diversity_home
Center for Teaching Excellence
We look forward to welcoming Dr. Leslie Richardson to FSU in July as the inaugural director of the Center for Teaching Excellence. The Office of Faculty Development and Advancement looks forward to collaborating with Dr. Richardson and the Center staff to engage teaching excellence in the development of faculty careers and awards. FSU has a strong record demonstrating this Research I institution’s devotion to practicing and modeling connection between teaching and research in every aspect of university life: the classroom, the lab, the professional presentation, collaborative publication between student and professor, shared performances, directed internships, and mentorship at every level. Imagine what we can do next. Oh, the places we will go with Leslie! http://news.fsu.edu/news/university-news/2017/04/27/florida-state-names-director-new-center-teaching-excellence
Faculty Celebrations
2017 National Award Winners
Congratulations to these faculty whose work has been nationally recognized in AY 2016-17:
Fulbright Scholars
Valliere Auzenne, College of Motion Picture Arts, has been awarded a 2017-18 Fulbright Scholar appointment to Russia. Valliere will be in Krasnoyarsk during Fall 2017.
Ming Cui, Department of Family and Child Sciences, College of Human Sciences, has received a 2017-18 Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program grant to Finland. She will be working at the University of Helsinki during Fall 2017.
Bruce Lamont, College of Business, has been awarded a 2017-18 Fulbright Scholar appointment to Ireland. Bruce will be working in Dublin during Fall 2017.
Bruce Locke, College of Engineering, has been awarded a 2017-18 Fulbright Scholar appointment to the Czech Republic.
Machelle Madsen-Thompson, College of Social Work, has been awarded a 2017-18 Fulbright Scholar appointment to Hong Kong.
Guggenheim Fellow
Antonio Méndez Esparza, College of Motion Picture Arts, has been named a Guggenheim Fellow in the 2017 class. https://www.gf.org/fellows/all-fellows/antonio-mendez-esparza
American Academy of Arts and Sciences Fellow
Gregory Boebinger, National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, was elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2017. https://www.amacad.org/content/members/newFellows.aspx?s=a
National Endowment For the Humanities Fellowship
Meegan Kennedy, Department of English, College of Arts & Sciences, has been awarded a 2017-18 NEH Fellowship.
American Council of Learned Societies Fellowship
John Corrigan, Department of Religion, College of Arts & Sciences, has been awarded the Luce/ACLS Fellowship in Religion, Journalism & International Affairs.
Sarah Eyerly, College of Music, has been awarded an ACLS Collaborative Research Fellowship.
National Science Foundation CAREER Award
Christian Bleiholder, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, College of Arts & Sciences is a 2017 recipient of the NSF CAREER award.
Yan Li, Department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering is a 2017 recipient of the NSF CAREER award.
University Award Winners
Congratulations to these faculty whose work has been recognized as exceptional by their peers and students at FSU:
2017 Distinguished Teacher Award
Arthur A. Raney, School of Communication
Developing Scholar Awards
Jonathan Dennis, Department of Biological Science
Fengfeng Ke, Department of Educational Psychology & Learning Systems
Alan Lemmon, Department of Scientific Computing
Emily Lemmon, Department of Biological Science
Takemichi Okui, Department of Physics
Distinguished Research Professor Awards
John Corrigan, Department of Religion
Laura Reina, Department of Physics
Bruce Thyer, College of Social Work
Graduate Faculty Mentor Awards
Richard Bertram, Department of Mathematics
Eric Chicken, Department of Statistics
Kathy Guthrie, Center for Leadership and Social Change
Jill Pable, Department of Interior Architecture and Design
Jorge Piekarewicz, Department of Physics
Honors Thesis Mentor Awards
Karl Anders Ericsson, Department of Psychology
Lorilee Medders, Department of Risk Management/Insurance, Real Estate and Legal Studies
Undergraduate Research Mentor Award
Lauren Weingarden, Department of Art History
Ralph Stair Prize for Innovation in Education
Rabieh Razzouk, Learning Systems Institute
Undergraduate Advising Awards
Shellie Camp, College of Arts and Sciences
Jessica Ridgway Clayton, Department of Retail, Merchandising and Product Development
Undergraduate Teaching Awards
Whitney Bendeck, Department of International Affairs
Ronald Doel, Department of History
Gregory Erickson, Department of Biological Science
Debra Fadool, Department of Biological Science
Alisha Gaines, Department of English
Lucas Hopkins, Department of Marketing
Mark Kearley, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Leonard LaPointe, School of Communication Science and Disorders
Jason Maurer, College of Motion Picture Arts
Kenneth “Rick” McCullough, School of Dance
Katherine Mooney, Department of History
Stephen Paris, Department of Mathematics
Spencer Pierce, Department of Accounting
Ebrahim Randeree, School of Information
Kunihiko Taira, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Melina Vastola, Department of Computer Science
Graduate Teaching Awards
Anthony Ciarlariello, College of Motion Picture Arts
Melissa Hanson, College of Law
David Kirby, Department of English
David Markell, College of Law
Lenore McWey, Department of Family and Child Sciences
Linda Schrader, Department of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies
Mark Spottswood, College of Law
Kathleen Yancey, Department of English
2016-17 Award of Promotion or Tenure
Congratulations to those faculty earning promotions and/or tenure this academic year. We thank you for what your career has added to Florida State University and look forward to great things from you in this next and new stage of career.
Promotion to Teaching Faculty II |
Ken Armstrong | Program in Interdisciplinary Computing |
Mandy D. Bamber | Nursing |
Whitney T. Bendeck | International Affairs |
Susan Brosnan-Maddox | Communication Science and Disorders |
Junko I. Brudenell | Modern Languages & Linguistics |
Anthony R. Ciarlariello | Motion Picture Arts |
Victoria E. Davis | Center for Intensive English Studies |
Victoria E. Golen | Center for Intensive English Studies |
Melody J. Gunter | Finance |
Ronald E. Honn | Motion Picture Arts |
Lucas (Luke) Hopkins | Marketing |
Dorothy L. Imperial | Elementary Education - Panama City Campus |
Lawrence J. Mahon | Finance |
Kathleen M. Prantil | Modern Languages & Linguistics |
Marie-France Prosper | Modern Languages & Linguistics |
Kenneth R. Robkin | Motion Picture Arts |
Allen J. Romano | Program in Interdisciplinary Computing |
Gail W. Steed | Retail, Merchandising and Product Development |
Jonathan F. Stone | Motion Picture Arts |
Promotion to Teaching Faculty III |
Hafiz Ahmad | Civil Engineering - Panama City Campus |
Margaret G. Ashmore | Social Work |
Kathryn K. Cashin | Program in Interdisciplinary Humanities |
Paul Cohen | Motion Picture Arts |
Stephanie R. Dillon | Chemistry & Biochemistry |
Audrey S. Heffron-Casserleigh | Emergency Management & Homeland Security |
Susan Hellstrom | Arts and Sciences |
Mark K. Jowett | School of Information |
Pennington (Penny) LeNoir | Mathematics |
Gloria T. Lessan | Sociology |
Lee K. Metcalf | International Affairs |
Alan D. Rowan | Health Policy Research |
Lisa M. Tripp | Motion Picture Arts |
Promotion to Research Faculty II |
David E. Graf | National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Chul Han Kim | Center for Advanced Power Systems |
Gil (Roy) Nelson | School of Information |
Promotion to Research Faculty III |
Lagy T. Baby | Physics |
Yan Liu | Psychology |
Promotion to Associate in Research |
Sally K. Burnside | Florida Center for Reading Research |
Kerri J. Caudill | Learning Systems Institute |
Melissa A. Dyehouse | Learning Systems Institute |
James D. Elliott | Florida Center for Reading Research |
Ivan Hung Tse | National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Nicole A. Lilly | Psychology |
Jie Lu | National High Magnetic Field Laboratory |
Jin Gyu Park | High-Performance Materials Institute |
Tara R. Reynolds | Florida Center for Reading Research |
Duncan R. Sousa | Biological Science |
Amanda M. Tazaz | Learning Systems Institute |
Promotion to Senior Research Associate |
Banghao Chen | Chemistry & Biochemistry |
Promotion to Instructional Specialist II |
Nicole M. Raimondi | Undergraduate Studies |
Daniel R. Vicker | Florida Center for Public Management |
Promotion to Instructional Specialist III |
Bruce A. Janasiewicz | Undergraduate Studies |
Duo Liu | College of Engineering |
Promotion to Curator |
Deborah W. Walk | The Ringling |
Promotion to Associate Librarian |
Favenzio E. Calvo | Strozier Library |
Amy E. Lipford | Law Library |
Abby Scheel | Strozier Library |
Sandra Varry | Strozier Library |
Promotion to Librarian |
Margaret (Annie) Glerum | Strozier Library |
Promotion to Clinical Associate Professor |
Javier I. Rosado | Behavioral Science and Social Medicine |
Promotion to Clinical Professor |
Irene Alexandraki | Clinical Sciences |
Jennifer L. Atkins | School of Dance |
Will Hanley | History |
Sara Hart | Psychology |
Bruce M. (Skip) Horack | English |
Kevin M. Huffenberger | Physics |
David Kalhous | Music |
Jay B. Kesten | Law |
Rajan Kumar | Mechanical Engineering |
Jake Linford | Law |
Chad Marzen | Risk Management/Insurance, Real Estate and Legal Studies |
Simon J. P. May | Philosophy |
Michael P. Nair-Collins | Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine |
Paul B. Niell | Art History |
Sanghee Oh | School of Information |
Philip J. Osteen | Social Work |
Chiwoo Park | Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering |
Jose R. Pinto | Biomedical Sciences |
John L. Schwenkler | Philosophy |
Robert G. M. Spencer | Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science |
Nathanael Stein | Philosophy |
Benjamin Sung | Music |
Angelina Sutin | Behavioral Sciences and Social Medicine |
Kunihiko Taira | Mechanical Engineering |
Kelly J. Whalon | School of Teacher Education |
Promotion to PROFESSOR |
Gang Chen | Civil and Environmental Engineering |
Nicholas G. Cogan | Mathematics |
Volker H. Crede | Physics |
Andrew D. Epstein | English |
James M. Fadool | Biological Science |
Jamie Fumo | English |
Bruce Holzman | Music |
Kenneth L. Knappenberger | Chemistry & Biochemistry |
Mia A. Lustria | School of Information |
Andrei A. Malaev-Babel | School of Theatre |
Brian G. Miller | Chemistry & Biochemistry |
Joshua I. Newman | Sport Management |
William Oates | Mechanical Engineering |
Michael G. Roper | Chemistry & Biochemistry |
Gregory D. Sauer | Music |
Besiki Stvilia | School of Information |
Oskar Vafek | Physics |
An-I A. "Andy" Wang | Computer Science |
James Whyte, IV | Nursing |
Weikuan Yu | Computer Science |
Fanxiu Zhu | Biological Science |
Awarded TENURE |
William C. Bolander | Marketing |
Paromita Sanyal | Sociology |
Nuts and Bolts
Connect with Canvas This Summer
As we head into summer, now is the perfect time to learn more about Canvas. The Office of Distance Learning has an array of training opportunities and resources to help you make the move. You can access Canvas by clicking the icon in your myFSU portal. For a guide to getting around once you’re in, visit the Canvas Support Center for FAQs, tutorials, timelines, and in-person and online training options. All courses must be taught in Canvas by Spring 2018, so start your move today! For more information, contact ODL Technical Support at 850-644-8004 or help@campus.fsu.edu.
What’s with the Green Dots?
You may have noticed several students wearing Green Dot shirts around campus and wondered “What’s with the Green Dots?” Green Dot is a bystander intervention program out of the Center for Health Advocacy and Wellness. This nationally recognized program educates students, faculty, and staff on how we can all be active bystanders by safely intervening in reactive situations and proactively supporting the importance of a violence free community. So often when we discuss power-based personal violence (Relationship/Dating Violence, Sexual Assault, Stalking) on our campus, the emphasis is on what students can do. While it’s true students do play an important role, the reality is that faculty, staff, and administrators play a vital role in establishing a campus that is supportive of survivors and works to eliminate violence. We would love the opportunity to come into your classrooms and present to your students on how they can become involved in making a difference in our community. By allowing Green Dot to pop up in spaces that don’t traditionally address power-based personal violence, we can create true culture change on our campus! For more information and to request a presentation, contact Jose Carval at jcarval@fsu.edu.
The FSU Faculty Community
Faculty Senate Welcomes New Officers
Congratulations to 2017-2018 Faculty Senate President, Dr. Todd Adams, and Vice Chair, Dr. Kristine Harper! The Faculty Senate Steering Committee for 2017-2018 is below. Feel free to contact committee members with any questions you may have. Please join us in welcoming your faculty representatives!
Dr. Kristine C. Harper
Vice Chair, Faculty Senate Steering Committee and Associate Professor
Ms. Bridgett Birmingham
Head, Learning Commons
University Libraries
Dr. Susan S. Fiorito
Director and Jim Moran Professor and Entrepreneur in Residence
Entrepreneurship, Strategy and Information Systems
Dr. Jayne M. Standley
Ella Scoble Opperman and Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor of Music Therapy
Dr. Gary Tyson
Harris Professor and Member of the State System Board of Governors
Computer Science
FDRT Advisory Board Welcomes New Members
The Faculty Development Research Team (FDRT) is the steering committee for the university Faculty Expertise and Advancement System (FEAS) and Faculty Project Planner (FPP). This steering committee makes decisions regarding the ongoing development of FEAS and FPP to meet university, college, department, and faculty needs. It serves at the request of and reports to the Vice President of Faculty Development and Advancement.
Our thanks to Jim Sampson, College of Education, and Gloria Colvin, University Libraries, for their eight years of service on FDRT. Jim and Gloria helped imagine, test, pilot, and implement FEAS. This database is now used to celebrate faculty accomplishment, mentor faculty development, and publicize faculty research and teaching to potential collaborators and graduate students.
Our thanks to Bill Fredrickson, College of Music; Cameron Jackson, School of Theatre; Kristie Fleckenstein, Department of English; Devin Soper, University Libraries; and Cassandra Brown, FEAS Delegate in the College of Social Work for agreeing to serve the University community through membership on the FDRT. Staff members Tiffany Phillips, IT Support Specialist; Dave Yancey, Programmer; and Peggy Wright-Cleveland, Director of Faculty Development will continue their service on FDRT. At any time, pass on suggestions for FEAS development to one of these colleagues.
Cassandra Brown
Assistant Director of Finance & Administration
Social Work
Bill Fredrickson
Professor of Music Education and Associate Dean for Operations
Cameron Jackson
Professor and Director, MFA Theatre Management
FSU’s Open Access Policy
The FSU Faculty Senate adopted an open access policy on February 17, 2016, demonstrating the commitment of our faculty to disseminating the fruits of our scholarship as widely as possible. For scholarly articles authored following the adoption of the policy, faculty are encouraged to send a citation and accepted manuscript to lib-support@fsu.edu for deposit in DigiNole, FSU's Research Repository, on their behalf.
For more information or assistance with depositing work to DigiNole, please contact Devin Soper, Scholarly Communications Librarian (dsoper@fsu.edu | 850.645.2600), or visit http://openaccess.fsu.edu.