A Word From the VP
Greetings! This issue of Faculty Matters is filled with good news about the accomplishments of our faculty. FSU faculty garnered an impressive number of awards this year including record numbers of Fulbright, NSF Career, and Highly Prestigious National Research Council awards. The names of the recipients of these and other awards are included in this issue along with this year’s recipients of FSU’s Research, Teaching, Advising, and Mentoring awards. We also recognize our recently promoted and tenured colleagues. We offer our heartiest congratulations to them all!
Check out this issue of Faculty Matters for news of summer and early fall events, including the writing groups and workshops offered by the Office of Faculty Development & Advancement. Consider participating!
I hope you all have a happy and productive summer.
Janet Kistner
Professor of Psychology
Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement
Faculty Support
Did you know FSU’s institutional membership in the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) entitles all faculty to their own, FREE, membership? As a member, you get the weekly Monday Motivator. Here is a sample of how the Monday Motivator prepares faculty for each new phase in the academic year: Let's Get Ready For Summer Writing. Ten Core Webinars and numerous guest webinars are available in the library for you to view as needed and as your schedule permits. NCFDD provides solid, research-supported development for faculty at each stage of career. NCFDD webinars and groups address work towards promotion and tenure, work/life balance, negotiating publishing, collaborating without drama, learning to say no, career development after tenure, growing as a Full Professor, science writing, and how to maintain joy in an academic career.
Not a member yet? Join here: https://www.facultydiversity.org/Join
Looking for a webinar to jumpstart your summer? Sign up, login, and try this one: “Every Summer Needs a Plan” or “How to Find Your Pillars of Genius.”
Let FDA know what you think about this faculty development tool: mwrightc@fsu.edu
Plan to join the 2018-19 FSU Faculty Forums – lunch in community followed by face-to-face viewings of NCFDD webinars and lively discussion of the content. Limit 20 per session.
Wednesday, September 12, 2018, noon – 2:30
“Mastering Academic Time Management”
Thursday, January 24, 2019, noon – 2:30
“Cultivating Your Network of Mentors, Sponsors, & Collaborators”
REGISTER for either above date
Summer Writing Groups
From May through August, FSU faculty are meeting every Wednesday, from 2:00 – 6:00, in the Norwood Reading Room of Strozier Library to write in solidarity. We commit to participation as much as our travel schedules allow; we share brief summaries of projects and progress made; we write. Four hours of uninterrupted writing. Sound like a commitment you need to make? RSVP here.
Summer Accountability Groups
FSU is hosting two on-line accountability groups. Accountability group members share writing and research goals for the week and the progress made on them. All members agree to a common check-in deadline. Check-in can be accomplished from around the world. Members support each other’s work/life balance, offer strategies for overcoming particular writing and research hurdles, and encourage each other to stick with it. If you would like to join an accountability group, RSVP here. Summer group members commit to regular check-ins from May through July. RSVP here.
Faculty Writing Intensives
Modeled after the Stanford Faculty Writers’ Retreats, the FSU Faculty Writing Intensive offers “a dedicated space to write and a community to hold each participant accountable to their writing progress and goals.”
FSU Faculty Writing Intensives are held in week-long sessions that entail daily commitment to attend and write for three hours each day. This inaugural year, the retreats will be held in early October, in early February, over spring break, and during the summer.
Participants work on self-selected writing projects during the retreat session. Each session starts with a brief check-in on writing goals for the day and ends by reviewing accomplishments and writing individualized plans for the next day of writing. Coffee and tea, water, snacks, paper, pens, and Post-its will be provided.
As you work now to prepare your syllabi, plan your advising work, and set your schedule for fall and spring, set aside time for these writing intensives. Write into your syllabus an adjusted turn-around time for grades and evaluation; plan examination and projects due dates accordingly; arrange office hours to avoid a conflict. Meet your classes; meet your doctoral students and serve on your committees, but let everyone know that for this one week, in these three hours, writing is your priority.
Fall Writing Intensive Options:
October 1 – 5
7:00 am – 10:00 am
October 8 – 12
6:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Spring Writing Intensive Options:
February 6 – 10
Noon – 3:00 pm
Spring Break: March 18 – 22
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Lunch provided
Each intensive is limited to 20 faculty participants.
Faculty Celebrations
FSU Faculty Garner National Recognition
Congratulations to these FSU faculty who won national or international recognition for their teaching and/or research in 2017-18. The FSU community is so proud of the work you do and the contributions you make to our community.
If you want to know more about applying for these or other awards, please contact Peggy Wright-Cleveland.
School of Historical Studies Membership
- Will Handley, College of Arts & Sciences, Department of History
NSF CAREER Award (Contact Beth Hodges for application information)
- Mainak Mookherjee, College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Earth, Ocean, and Atmospheric Science
- Chen Huang, College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Scientific Computing
- Daniel Hallinan, FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering
- Justin Kennemar, College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Kenneth Hanson, College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Igor Alabugin, College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Fulbright Scholar to the United Kingdom
- Joseph Schlenoff, College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Fulbright Scholar to France
- Iris Junglas, College of Business, Department of Business Analytics, Information Systems and Supply Chain, Fulbright Scholar to Ireland
- Katarzyna Bugaj, College of Music, Fulbright Scholar to Poland
- Anne Barrett, College of Social Sciences and Public Policy, Department of Sociology, Fulbright Scholar to Italy
- Christopher Coutts, College of Social Sciences and Public Policy, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Fulbright Scholar to Malawi
- Miles Taylor, College of Social Sciences and Public Policy, Department of Sociology, Fulbright Scholar to Canada
- Micah Vandegrift, University Libraries, Fulbright Scholar to the Netherlands in the Fulbright-Schuman Program
American Psychological Society Fellow
- Christopher Lonigan
American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) Collaborative Research Fellowship
- Stephanie Leitch, College of Fine Art, Department of Art History
- Erika Weiberg, College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Classics
- Jim Sickinger, College of Arts & Sciences, Department of Classics
Newberry Library Long-term Fellowship
- Iain Quinn, College of Music
National Academy of Public Administration Fellow
- James Bowman, College of Social Sciences and Public Policy, Askew School of Public Administration and Policy
FSU Research, Teaching, Advising, and Mentoring Awards
Conventional wisdom says national award committees are hesitant to offer awards to a faculty member unrecognized by their own institution. FSU awards for teaching, research, and mentorship recognize the very thing that makes this institution great - a commitment to excellence day to day, student by student, class by class, colleague by colleague. Congratulations to these FSU faculty who have distinguished themselves among their peers.
FSU Research, Teaching, Advising, and Mentoring Award Winners
FSU Faculty Promotions and Tenure Awards
Promotions from Assistant to Associate to Full and the award of Tenure are demanding benchmarks of a successful academic career. Achievement and development in teaching, research, and service are required for each level. Congratulations to our FSU colleagues who were awarded tenure and/or promoted in 2018. We are proud to call you our colleague.
FSU Faculty Promotions and Tenure Awards
FSU Specialized Faculty Promotions
FSU students and faculty benefit greatly from the work of faculty who specialize in Teaching or Research. Promotions are earned through the demonstration of continued advancement and contribution in the area of specialization. Congratulations to our FSU colleagues awarded promotions as Teaching or Research Faculty. We value all the ways you contribute to the FSU community and are proud to call you our colleague.
FSU Specialized Faculty Promotions
Nuts and Bolts
Alternative Textbook Grants
University Libraries is offering an Alternative Textbook Grants program for FSU instructors. Alternative Textbooks cut costs for students, are environmentally responsible, and are peer reviewed. Successful applicants will receive $1000 as well as training and consultations to assist them in implementing their alternative textbook. Interested faculty are encouraged to submit applications by October 1st, 2018, for spring or summer courses, or by February 1st, 2019, for summer or fall courses.
For more information on the grant program, visit: https://www.lib.fsu.edu/alttextbooks. For more information on open textbooks and textbook affordability initiatives, generally, see this research guide: https://guides.lib.fsu.edu/oer.
Open Access Publishing Fund
University Libraries’ Open Access Publishing Fund supports publishing costs for eligible open access journals and books. FSU faculty and currently enrolled students may apply for up to $1,500.00 in funding per academic year. Applications are accepted throughout the year. For information on eligibility requirements, and to submit a funding proposal, visit: https://www.lib.fsu.edu/drs/publishing/fund.
FSU Research Repository: Your Home for Gray Literature
Looking for a place to publish your reports and working papers? Consider posting them in DigiNole: FSU's Research Repository. University Libraries has partnered with a number of research centers and institutes to make their gray literature more discoverable and citable (see here and here). Our repository team will help add your works to the repository, register DOIs for unique digital content, and ensure optimal discovery through Google Scholar. For more information, please contact us at lib-support@fsu.edu.
The FSU Faculty Community
Faculty Senate Update
This spring we wrapped up the 2017-18 Senate year in March and started the new year in April with newly elected Senators coming on board. During the spring we modified some Senate policies including lowering the minimum number of credit hours for a non-thesis master’s degree to 30 hours and also requiring at least 30 hours of all master’s degrees be at the 5000-level or above. We also endorsed a new policy related to shared credit hours for joint and combined degrees. The minutes of Senate meetings are posted on the Faculty Senate webpages. Ad-hoc Senate subcommittees continue to work on the revision of the FSU Constitution and reviewing donor agreements with the Koch Foundation. This summer the Senate steering committee will be working on appointing members to the various standing committees.
Elections for the president and steering committee members were held in April. Welcome to new members Petra Doan and Charlie Hofacker and congratulations to re-elected members Bridgett Birmingham, Eric Chicken, and Kris Harper. The full steering committee membership is listed below.

Dr. Kristine C. Harper
Vice Chair, Faculty Senate Steering Committee and Professor

Ms. Bridgett Birmingham
Head, Learning Commons
University Libraries

Dr. Charles Hofacker
Carl DeSantis Professor of Business Administration

Dr. Jayne M. Standley
Ella Scoble Opperman and Robert O. Lawton Distinguished Professor of Music Therapy
Faculty Senate Steering Committee
Affinity Groups Support Faculty Communities
Did you know FSU faculty have four affinity groups?
“The FSU definition of an Affinity Group is a group of employees, with varied status, whose primary purpose is to develop and improve the campus climate. This excludes religious and political affiliations. Additionally, they can help increase morale, provide insights into diverse areas, build bridges to the community and empower members.
Florida State University considers Affinity Groups to be a vital component that connects various members of the FSU workforce with each other and with the institution. Therefore, an inherent element of the mission of an Affinity Group is to promote the welfare of Florida State University and to establish mutually beneficial relationships between FSU, its workforce, members of the Affinity Group, and the communities FSU serves.” FSU Affinity Groups Guide
If additional information is needed or you are interested in starting an affinity group, please contact the office of Diversity & Inclusion: Office of Human Resources 6200 University Center A
(850) 644-6034 – Office
(850) 645-9508 – Fax
If you wish to become involved in an established affinity group, simply contact the person listed here:
Latin@ Faculty Advocacy and Resource Group | Delia Poey |
Black Faculty and Staff Organization | Rhea Lathan |
LGBTQ+ Faculty Staff Network | Josh Kinchen |
Veterans, Friends and Family Group (VF2G) | Pete Peterson |