Our Mission
The Office of Faculty Development and Advancement facilitates Florida State University’s extraordinary faculty members in their nomination and application for national and international awards. It does this by providing information about awards in all disciplines, by supporting faculty members in award nomination and application processes, and by helping to promote individual faculty accomplishments through its programs.
Keeping the Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement, along with the Provost and President, up-to-date about your awards helps the University recognize and publicize your accomplishments. As soon as you receive an award notification, enter the information into the Faculty Expertise and Advancement System (FEAS) by signing in here: http://feas.fsu.edu. You can also send an email to fda-faculty-awards@fsu.edu.
Faculty Award Winners
Faculty awards are an essential component of faculty development and advancement. FSU faculty are internationally known for their accomplishments.
Helpful Links
Helpful links to faculty award information.

Commerce Department Puts Spotlight on International Education as a Valuable Export
"Commerce is interested not only because international students generate foreign policy and educational benefits for the United States, but also because trade in education services ranks 6th among the top U.S. services exports, bigger than research and development services, freight, insurance services, and telecommunications."