A Word From the VP
I hope this academic year is off to a great start for all of you. A week before classes started, I had the pleasure of meeting a record number of 240 new faculty members during New Faculty Orientation. What an impressive group they are! In this issue of Faculty Matters, you’ll find a brief introduction to your new colleagues.
The addition of 125 new faculty positions (on top of the typical number of faculty hires we make each year) allows FSU to continue to decrease the size of our classes and increase research opportunities for our students. There is no doubt that the investments we’ve made in our faculty have helped fuel FSU’s rapid rise in the US News & World Report public university rankings (from #43 in 2016 to #26 this year!).
Soon, we’ll report the findings from last semester’s faculty survey by the Collaborative on Academic Careers in Higher Education (COACHE). (Spoiler alert: the results are very positive, but there’s always room for improvement!) Mentoring of faculty is one of the areas where we would like to do more to promote faculty success. On September 28th, we are hosting two workshops on the topic of faculty mentoring. The morning workshop is for those who serve (or would like to serve) as faculty mentors. The afternoon workshop is open to faculty who are still on the path to promotion and/or tenure. Details about both workshops are included in this issue. Please take advantage of this opportunity to enhance faculty mentorship on our campus by signing up today!
I welcome your feedback and suggestions about other ways the Office of Faculty Development & Advancement can better serve you. And I wish you all a productive and fulfilling semester.
Janet Kistner
Professor of Psychology
Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement
Faculty Support
A Focus on Mentoring
FSU is excited to offer a live presentation and workshop from the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD) that aims to enhance the mentoring experience and effectiveness for both mentor and mentee. The NCFDD half-day workshop is open to all faculty, but is particularly aimed towards those new to the profession or career. The NCFDD presentation is open to all established faculty who have served or hope to serve as a peer mentor to new colleagues. Joy Gaston Gayles, who has published in the Journal of Higher Education, Research in Higher Education, and the Journal of College Student Development, promises to offer interesting and meaningful material. Please sign up below for the presentation, workshop, and lunch so that you can meet others interested in maximizing mentoring at FSU.
NCFDD Presentation for Mentors
Open to established Associate and Full Professors, Level 2 or 3 Teaching Faculty and Research Faculty
Date: Friday, September 28, 2018
Time: 10:00am - 11:30am
Location: Turnbull Center 208
Topic: Re-Thinking Mentoring: How to Build Communities of Inclusion, Support, and Accountability
Facilitator: Joy Gaston Gayles, Professor, North Carolina State University
Re-Thinking Mentoring: https://ncfdd.typeform.com/to/jIB2PV
NCFDD Half-day Workshop
Open to Assistant and Associate Professors, Level 1 or 2 Teaching Faculty and Research Faculty
Date: Friday, September 28, 2018
Time: 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Location: Turnbull Center 208
Topic: Mentoring 101: How to Get What You Need to Thrive in the Academy
Facilitator: Joy Gaston Gayles, Professor, North Carolina State University
Mentoring 101: https://ncfdd.typeform.com/to/TUXCk7
A Focus on Maintaining
Fall 2018-19 Faculty Career Development Events are hosted by Peggy Wright-Cleveland. If you have questions about our events or ideas for more, contact Peggy at mwrightc@fsu.edu or (850) 645-8202.
Having trouble imagining how you're going to fit everything into your schedule? Would you like some work/life balance? Set aside one lunch period to come and meet your colleagues, watch a webinar about proven academic time management tools, and enjoy some conversation with people who know the drill.
Did you know the American Council of Learned Societies, National Humanities Center, and National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships have very similar application requirements? Come learn why we advise Associate and Full Professor humanities scholars apply for all three.
Based on a program offered at Stanford University, FSU is adding to our faculty writing opportunities with faculty writing intensives. Use these intensives to jump start a project, finish a project, or establish a good habit of writing daily. If you like these three-hour intensives, make plans to join us in the full, five-day marathon of writing over spring break.
NCFDD Membership is FREE at FSU
In July 2017, FSU joined the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD) as an Institutional Member. The NCFDD is a nationally-recognized, independent organization that provides online career development and mentoring resources for faculty, postdocs, and graduate students. Currently over 270 FSU faculty and post-docs are using their membership. Shouldn’t you be, too?
To activate your free Institutional Membership, please visit www.FacultyDiversity.org/Join and select “Florida State University” from the member list. If you have any technical questions, please email NCFDD at Membership@FacultyDiversity.org.
Faculty Celebrations
Welcome to Our New Faculty
We are excited that over 240 new faculty have joined us here in Tallahassee and look forward to working with and getting to know these new colleagues and friends. Even if your department was lucky enough to welcome new faculty this year, make a point to introduce yourself to one of your out-of-field colleagues. One never knows where future collaborations are born! Check here to find a brief introduction to each new faculty member:
Photos from New Faculty Orientation
Welcome to New FDA Social Media Interns
FDA is excited to be hosting two Social Media Interns and one Social Media Leadership Intern this academic year. Partnering with the InternFSU program, FDA offers these undergraduate interns the opportunity to meet and interview faculty, film interviews and write blog posts of interviews with faculty, manage our two social media platforms and strategize about new platforms to develop. Check out their work about you here:
Make suggestions for new interviews, celebrations, and conversations by emailing fda-interns@fsu.edu.
Nuts and Bolts
Promotion and Tenure
The 2018-2019 Promotion and Tenure (P&T) process is well under way, and this is the second year that the process will be completely digital! All Promotion and Tenure materials are to be submitted through the custom-designed digital Promotion and Tenure workflow within myFSU-HR. EBinders are due to the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement (FDA) by Friday, October 19, 2018. Please check with your department and/or college P&T staff delegate for internal deadlines and submission requirements. More information regarding the P&T process can be found on the FDA website.
Specialized Faculty Promotions
The 2018-2019 Specialized Faculty Promotion process is underway and will see another big change this year - the timing of the process will be aligned with Promotion and Tenure for tenure-track faculty. The deadline for deans or directors to submit electronic promotion materials (PDF files) to the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement (FDA) through Melissa Crawford is Friday, November 2, 2018. If your college cannot make this deadline this year, please contact Melissa Crawford for more information regarding a spring submission date. More information about the specialized faculty promotion process can be found on the FDA website.
Sabbatical Leave
The University Committee on Faculty Sabbaticals invites applications for one-semester sabbaticals at full pay and two-semester sabbaticals at one-half pay for the academic year 2019-2020. Sabbatical leave is granted to increase a faculty member’s value to the University through enhanced opportunities for professional development, research, and creative activities. This leave is made available to tenured faculty members who are covered by the BOT-FSU UFF Collective Bargaining Agreement and who meet the requirements set forth in the policies governing the Faculty Sabbatical Program.
An informational memorandum and the applicable forms are available on the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement website. Please read the memorandum in its entirety since there are directions clarifying what is expected in the application. The deadline for deans’ offices to submit electronic applications is Monday, October 1, 2018. Please note that there may be earlier deadlines at the department and/or college level. All applications must be submitted by the dean's office as one (1) PDF file per application. Please contact Melissa Crawford if you have questions regarding how to submit your college's applications electronically.
FEAS / ORCID Integration
ORCID is an identity technology which provides faculty with the ability to identify and distinguish themselves from other researchers possessing the same name. These identifiers are integrated with research workflows such as grant applications, journal and book manuscript submissions, and support automated linkages between researchers and their professional activities. Once a researcher claims their ORCID identifier and profile, these linkages enable ORCID to detect new grants and publications and automatically add them to their profile.
The Office of Faculty Development & Advancement is currently working on an integration between ORCID and FEAS. Once complete, this integration will enable FSU faculty to automatically populate publication and grant information in their FEAS CVs based on information in their ORCID profiles, significantly reducing the time that would otherwise be required to input this information directly in FEAS. Faculty who wish to benefit from this forthcoming integration are encouraged to register for an ORCID profile here and begin importing works to their profiles following these instructions.
For general information about registering an ORCID profile and importing works, please contact Devin Soper (dsoper@fsu.edu, 850-645-2600) or Kelly Grove (kegrove@fsu.edu, 850-644-0023). For information about the forthcoming integration between ORCID and FEAS, please contact Tiffany Phillips (tphillips@fsu.edu, 850-645-8203).
FEAS is Easy!
With the new partnership with ORCID, adding your citations to FEAS has never been easier! After your ORCID account has been created and your publications ("Works" in ORCID) have been collected, you can export that list to your computer and then import it to FEAS. Here's how:
- Log in to ORCID and visit your profile page
- Scroll down to the "Works" section, and click on "Export Works"
- Save the file to your computer in a place that's easy to find (e.g., Desktop)
- Visit the FEAS import publications page: https://feas.fsu.edu/External_Interface.aspx
Note: your CV status must be set to "Updating/In Progress" - Change the drop-down list to "BibTeX format"
- Browse to the file you saved in step 3, then "Import to CV Database"
- Once the import is complete, click "Jump to Finish Later" to review the citations and save them to your CV
For more information on exporting from ORCID, please visit their support website.
Alternative Textbook Grants
University Libraries is offering an Alternative Textbook Grants program for FSU instructors. Alternative Textbooks cut costs for students, are environmentally responsible, and are peer reviewed. Successful applicants will receive $1000 as well as training and consultations to assist them in implementing their alternative textbook. Check out the grant details here: https://www.lib.fsu.edu/alttextbooks. For more information on open textbooks and textbook affordability initiatives, generally, see this research guide: http://guides.lib.fsu.edu/oer.
Interested instructors are encouraged to review the grant requirements and submit an online application form by the following dates:
- October 1st, 2018 (for spring and summer on-campus courses)
- November 1st, 2018 (for courses taught at our international study centers)
- February 1st, 2019 (for summer and fall courses)
Open Access Publishing Fund
University Libraries’ Open Access Publishing Fund supports publishing costs for eligible open access journals and books. FSU faculty and currently enrolled students may apply for up to $1,500.00 in funding per academic year. Applications are accepted throughout the year. For information on eligibility requirements, and to submit a funding proposal, visit: https://www.lib.fsu.edu/research-and-publish/publishing/open-access-funding.
FSU Honor Policy
FSU Honor Policy works when students understand it and faculty enforce it. How can faculty make sure students understand it? Consider giving this quiz during the first few weeks of class and then going over the answers with your students. Everyone will be better for it.
The FSU Faculty Community
Affinity Groups
What is a faculty affinity group?
Affinity Groups are voluntary associations of people who have common interests. Affinity Groups play a vital role in articulating, promoting and supporting the needs and goals of their various communities and organizations. Their primary focus is to develop and improve the campus climate by increasing the presence of diverse faculty and staff. The Groups can assist the organization with the recruitment, retention and promotion of top diverse talent. In addition, they can help increase morale, provide insights into diverse areas, build bridges to the community and empower members. Affinity Groups also serve to spotlight the achievements and accomplishments of the organization’s faculty and staff.
What do affinity groups do?
Activities include but are not limited to:
- Lunches with the Provost
- Peer mentoring across departments
- Speakers series
- Networking and recruitment opportunities
- Fellowship
Groups and Contacts
Latin@ Faculty Advocacy and Resource Group
Contact: John Ribo – jribo@fsu.edu or Lara Perez-Felkner – lperezfelkner@fsu.edu
Black Faculty and Staff Network (BFSN)
Contact: Michelle Douglass – mdouglass@admin.fsu.edu
LGBTQ+ Faculty Staff Network
Contact: Karin Brewster – brewster@admin.fsu.edu
Veterans Friends and Family Group (VF2G)
Contact: William Lamb – BLamb@admin.fsu.edu
South Asian Noles Association (SANA)
Contact: Som Chatterjee – somnath@admin.fsu.edu
Association of Chinese Professors at Florida State University (ASP-FSU)
Contact: Xufeng Niu – xfniu01@gmail.com
Faculty Senate Update
Welcome to our new faculty from the Faculty Senate. It is exciting to have such a wonderful and talented group of colleagues join the FSU family. The Senate will be meeting September 12, October 17, November 14, and December 5 this fall. Please feel free to join us. The agenda and minutes of each meeting are available on the Faculty Senate webpages: (https://facsenate.fsu.edu/faculty-senate-meetings). The December 5 meeting will follow the annual State of the University address by President Thrasher.
We are working on filling membership of our Senate standing committees and thank all of the faculty who have agreed to serve. The Senate committees do much of the work of faculty governance, so it is important work.
This fall, the Constitution Review Committee (CRC) continues its work to propose changes to the constitution. They anticipate having a plan by the end of the fall and voting by the Senate in early spring. The CRC plans to have two town hall/listening sessions to hear suggestions and feedback from faculty. Details are still being worked out but look for the announcement shortly.
FSU Faculty Luncheon Series at UKIRK
The FSU Faculty Luncheon Series features distinguished speakers reflecting on their scholarly research and creative activities at Florida State University. This series has been uniting faculty across the disciplines and creating fellowship across the table for over 30 years. Make it a point to invite a colleague and come join us.
Tuesday, October 16
Deep-Sea Coral Communities on Seamounts in the North Pacific: Distributions, Impacts, and Recovery
Amy Baco-Taylor, Associate Professor of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Science
Tuesday, November 6
The Parties in our Heads: How our Biased Political Stereotypes Fuel Polarization
Doug Ahler, Assistant Professor of Political Science
Tuesday, December 4
Learning to Hear: How Training Impacts Listening to Difficult Sounds
Erin Ingvalson, Assistant Professor of Communication Science and Disorders
For more information, please visit http://facultyluncheon.cci.fsu.edu or like our Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/fsuflspuc.
FSU Road Scholars Series
In its fifth year, the FSU ROAD SCHOLARS LECTURE SERIES brings distinguished colleagues from other institutions in the Atlantic Coast Conference to campus to make presentations for non-specialist audiences. These events are free, open to the public, and co-hosted by departments and institutes on campus. Speakers meet with faculty colleagues and interested students while they are here. The selection of speakers is made by a Faculty Senate committee, which is chaired by Dennis Moore. If you are interested in suggesting a speaker or getting your department or program involved in hosting, please contact Dennis Moore directly. Definitely make plans to connect with other faculty on campus and meet a colleague from an ACC institution by attending each presentation.
Faculty Book Reading and Signing
FSU hosts two faculty book readings and signings per year: Parents Weekend and FSU Authors Day. This fall, the Parents Weekend reading and signing will be about dance in New Orleans. Come join us!
Book Reading and Signing Flyer
Faculty Happy Hour
Have you often wished for a faculty club where you could go to celebrate a publication acceptance, a break-through in your lab, a spectacular teaching moment or the receipt of an honor? Would a monthly meeting at a local pub suffice? If you are interested in helping to plan a handful of social gatherings for FSU faculty, email Peggy Wright-Cleveland at mwrightc@fsu.edu. She is putting together a committee of faculty to design accessible, inexpensive, and fun ways to celebrate the community that is #FSUFaculty.
Check our Twitter and Facebook for announcement of the first meeting spot and date:
At least one social gathering in fall and one in spring - Peggy promises!
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI) at FSU
OLLI at FSU is a scholarly and exciting program of classes targeted to mature adults who want to learn simply for the fun of learning! These eager and capable students have FSU faculty as their teachers. No papers to grade; no tests to give. Faculty prepare to engage students we all know will have read the text beforehand and will come with smart questions about the content. Take a look at the OLLI Newsletter and consider teaching for OLLI.
August/September 2018 OLLI Newsletter