The 2025-2026 specialized faculty promotion cycle will open in March/April 2025. These promotions will go into effect in August 2026.
Decisions for 2024-2025 should be sent out by the end of March 2025. These promotions will go into effect in August 2025.
Promotion recommendations for specialized faculty members originate at the department level and must be endorsed by the chair or director and dean before being given to the Provost and the President via the Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement. The Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement confirms that each candidate meets the eligibility requirements and forwards the recommendations (for approval or denial) to the Provost and the President for final action. Promotion recommendations from units that report to the Office of Research are also reviewed by the Vice President for Research. The President's decision is communicated by letter to the appropriate administrators and to the faculty member by this office. All specialized faculty promotions are effective at the same time as tenure-track faculty promotions at the beginning of the next academic year.
Note: open files in Adobe Acrobat before filling in form, otherwise, details will not be saved!
Looking for College of Medicine promotion information for clinical faculty? Click here.
Specialized faculty do not use the myFSU-HR system for promotions. Promotions are submitted to the Office of Faculty Development through FSU NiFTy as 1 PDF file to by the specified deadline above.
Faculty Assistance
Melissa Crawford or Kelley Duda
FEAS+/ORCID Questions
Tiffany Phillips
FEAS+ Quick Start Guide (PDF)
FEAS/ORCID Integration (PDF)
Formatting and Bookmarking Instructions (PDF) (Updated January 2025)
Teaching Faculty (DOC)
Research Faculty/Curator (DOC)
Instructional Specialist (DOC)
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Librarian (DOC)
The State University System of Florida and its twelve public postsecondary institutions adopt this Statement on Free Expression to support and encourage full and open discourse and the robust exchange of ideas and perspectives on our respective campuses...