The Academic Honor Policy is an integral part of the FSU academic environment. The policy outlines the University's expectations for students' academic work, the procedures for resolving alleged violations of those expectations, and the rights and responsibilities of students and faculty throughout the process. New students are introduced to the Academic Honor Policy at Orientation and pledge to uphold it at New Student Convocation. In surveys, students have indicated that the strength of an individual instructor's message about the importance of academic integrity is the strongest deterrent to violating the Academic Honor Policy. Thus, instructors should remind students of their obligations under the policy and fully communicate their expectations to students. If an instructor encounters academic dishonesty, they should follow the procedures detailed below to resolve the alleged violation in a timely manner while protecting the personal and educational rights of the student.
Click here for the Academic Honor Policy - PDF file (Aug. 2022)*
Effective Fall 2022: This policy and each of its provisions only apply to cases managed on or after August 22, 2022.
*(Approved by Faculty Senate, Student Senate, and Board of Trustees 2005, 2010, 2014, & 2022)
Florida State University is a proud member of the Center for Academic Integrity.
ICAI Integrity Matters Blog:
No detection tools for identifying AI-generated text are endorsed by FDA or FSU. If an instructor decides to use such detectors, then they are advised to use multiple detectors (not a single tool in isolation). Best practices for assessing the origins of text remain the same: Timely student–instructor dialogue and evaluation of students' comprehension/mastery regarding assignment submissions. Refer to the "Allegation Discussion Guide for Faculty" (PDF) for more information.
"A Letter to My Students" (PDF)
Advice from students to faculty members
Use Turnitin (PDF) to encourage students' intellectual honesty
Understand copyright law (TEACH Act) and how it affects online instruction
Please send all forms to the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement.
Note: open files in Adobe Acrobat before filling in form, otherwise, details will not be saved!
Available in alternative format upon request.
Instructors: Please have students' FSUIDs and/or EMPLIDs ready prior to emailing the office. Thank you.
Faculty Assistance
Mr. Joshua Morgan
Ms. Katie-Dean Moore
Teaching Assistants
Mr. Joshua Morgan
Ms. Katie-Dean Moore
Student Assistance
Please visit Academic Honor Policy Hearing Advising
The State University System of Florida and its twelve public postsecondary institutions adopt this Statement on Free Expression to support and encourage full and open discourse and the robust exchange of ideas and perspectives on our respective campuses...