Assistant Professor

Longfeng Li

Dr. Li’s research interests focus on children’s self-regulation, social-emotional development, health behaviors (e.g., sleep, screen use), parent-child coregulation, interactions, and relationships, as well as quantitative methods.

Songhee Han

Dr. Han’s research interests include aligning emerging learning technologies, such as Artificial Intelligence and games with pedagogical strategies to foster responsive curricula that adapt to both students and educators. Dr. Han is passionate about ensuring that emerging educational technologies act as enablers of opportunity and equity, preventing the deepening of educational divides.

Matthew Lenard

Dr. Lenard’s research focuses on the economics of education and how education policies shape students' transitions from school to work, skill development, and labor market outcomes. 

Mario Jackson

Dr. Jackson's research interests include principal preparation for equity-oriented school leadership, crisis leadership, and K-12 educational policies with specific attention to how they influence equitable experiences and outcomes for marginalized students.