Academic Leadership Toolkit
Office of Faculty Development and Advancement
Faculty Expertise and Advancement System (FEAS+)
The Faculty Expertise and Advancement System (FEAS+) is a web application that supports the management of faculty career information through all career stages. FEAS+ houses content sufficient to generate the extensive FSU Promotion and Tenure or Specialized Faculty Promotion CV, and includes options for producing CVs with a more specific focus, such as a Five-year CV, a Research CV, or a Teaching CV. Report options include a Summary of Accomplishments, the Post-Tenure Review Report, Assignment of Responsibilities, and Grade Distribution. Information entered into FEAS+ is stored in a database and includes general information, teaching activities, scholarly or creative activities, and service. Faculty are in full control of all career information entered under their name. FEAS+ may be accessed by visiting FEAS+ also has a public keyword search website providing information about faculty research available at
To facilitate the update of faculty information, FEAS+ interfaces with ORCID, which is an international not-for-profit organization created by the research community. They provide a persistent digital identifier (an ORCID iD) that distinguishes you from other researchers and a record that supports automatic links among all your professional activities. ORCID provides a registry of works (publications, conference presentations, etc.) that have been linked to your ORCID iD either by you or by a trusted organization. Each of these work records has a visibility setting: everyone, trusted parties, or only me. Thus, the researcher can regulate access to their ORCID records.
- To provide a central repository for faculty CV data.
- To produce current reports regarding faculty activity as required by SACSCOC and the FL Board of Governors.
- To prepare a Summary of Accomplishments for use in annual faculty evaluations.
- To compile the Post-Tenure Review Report to comply with Board of Governors Regulation 10.003.
- To produce short-form CVs for degree proposals and QERs.
Authority and Responsibility:
- Instructors are responsible for entering teaching, research, creative work, and service into FEAS at a minimum of once per year in the Spring Semester to coincide with annual evaluations. The complete policy is located at
- Delegates may be assigned to individual faculty members, departments, or colleges to assist faculty members with entering data.
- Department chairs and deans are responsible for ensuring that the policy stated above is being followed in their units.
- The Business Systems Analyst in the Office of Faculty Development and Advancement is responsible for campus-wide implementation of the policy and support for all users.
Common Pitfalls and Misconceptions:
- Though a delegate may enter information on behalf of the faculty member, it remains the faculty member’s responsibility to review and approve the data to ensure accuracy.
- CVs generated from FEAS+ are customizable! Citations may be formatted in either MLA or APA, and there are many other options to select, including date refinement and category exclusion.
- Faculty members may update their publications in FEAS+ through an interface connection with ORCID.
- The FEAS Delegate Request Form is found at, along with related resources.
- Business Systems Analyst Tiffany Phillips ( serves as the primary faculty contact regarding the system.
- Workshops for departments and groups are available. Visit our Microsoft Bookings to schedule.
- Faculty Handbook