
Madeline Dougherty

Dr. Dougherty's research interests focuses on how specific aspects of social media usage affect eating disorder risk with the goal of informing how social media can be used in a healthy manner. Dr. Dougherty will be teaching Eating Disorders and Abnormal Psychology courses this academic year.

Rajiv Menon

Dr. Menon specializes in developing innovative MRI acquisition and analysis methods for studying the human brain. His interests include leveraging expertise in multimodal imaging techniques for neuro-imaging projects, investigating myofascial dysfunction, and developing MR Elastography techniques for body imaging applications.

Heath Marìa Maranges

Dr. Maranges’s research interests focus on understanding what facilitates personal well-being, cooperation, and morality. In particular, she studies the nature and implications of self-control, early developmental ecologies, and bias for individual and group flourishing.

Sean Dougherty

Dr. Dougherty’s research interests include the definition, classification, and measurement of psychological disorders; virtue and eudaimonia; psychotherapy development; ethical use of Artificial Intelligence; and improved teaching methods and curricula.

Sarah Brown

Dr. Brown’s research interests include suicide risk, intervention, and prevention research. Dr. Brown's research aims to understand and prevent the progression from suicidal thoughts to suicidal behaviors by developing mechanistic interventions for suicidal behaviors.