Florida State University ensures that all instructors of record possess the academic preparation, training, and experience to teach in an academic setting, meet or exceed the minimum requirements of accrediting bodies and accomplish the mission of the institution. This applies to all instructors of record, including but not limited to, full and part-time faculty, tenured, tenure-track, clinical, visiting instructors, instructors teaching with courtesy appointments and adjunct positions as well as graduate teaching assistants. When determining acceptable qualifications of its faculty, Florida State University gives primary consideration to the highest earned degree in the discipline. For all cases, the institution is responsible for verifying credentials prior to hire. Departments must document and justify the qualifications of its faculty and adjuncts in the new Instructor Credentials Process (ICS) housed in Campus Solutions within 30 days of the hire date (date contract begins). Beginning Fall Semester 2021, the new Instructor Credentials System (ICS) will be used to collect, approve, store, and report documentation of the credentials that make each instructor qualified to teach. FDA, HR, and ITS will offer training in September regarding how to review and supplement pre-loaded instructor profiles for existing faculty and how to build profiles for spring instructional faculty and adjunct hires.
Please send all forms to fda-faculty@fsu.edu.
Available in alternative format upon request.
Credentials and Transcripts
Email Ameko Dillard or call 850-644-6876
Outside Activity
Conflict Administration Management System (CAMS)
The State University System of Florida and its twelve public postsecondary institutions adopt this Statement on Free Expression to support and encourage full and open discourse and the robust exchange of ideas and perspectives on our respective campuses...