Faculty Luncheon Series
Presbyterian University Center
Spring 2014
Tuesday, January 14
Speaker: Felicia C. Coleman, Director, FSU Coastal Marine laboratory
Topic: “Rebirth of the FSU Marine Lab: Forecasting the Future of Marine Science at FSU”
Tuesday, February 11
Speaker: Barbara R. Foorman, Director, Florida Center for Reading Research at FSU
Topic: “Using the Science of Reading to Close the Achievement Gap”
Tuesday, March 25
Speaker: Alan G. Marshall, Director, FSU Ion Cyclotron Resonance Program
Topic: “Petroleomics: High-Tech Diagnosis and Cures for Petroleum Crude Oil Production and Spill Problems”
Tuesday, April 8
Speaker: Terrence Coonan, Director, FSU Center for the Advancement of Human Rights
Topic: “Human Trafficking”
The series will take place at the Presbyterian University Center, 548 W. Park Ave. Luncheons begin at 12:15 and the programs follow at 12:40. Lunches are $10 per session or $40 for the series. Reservations for the luncheons are required. Mail reservation requests to the Presbyterian University Center, 548 W. Park Ave., Tallahassee, FL 32301, with a check made payable to the Presbyterian University Center and clearly marked "Faculty Luncheon Series." In order to pay at the door, call the Center for a reservation at (850) 222-6320 or send an email to floridastatepuc@gmail.com.
For more information, please visit the FSU Faculty Luncheon Series on Facebook or visit their official homepage at http://facultyluncheon.cci.fsu.edu/.