2012-2013 Distance Learning Awards
On Wednesday, November 13, 2013, the annual Distance Learning Awards ceremony took place at the Augustus B. Turnbull III Florida State Conference Center. The Office of Distance Learning manages Florida State University's online learning environments, and these awards recognize leading instructors of record and mentors for their contributions. For more information on this new awards program, please visit the Office of Distance Learning's awards website.
Award categories and winners are listed below:
- Excellence in Online Course Design
- Innovative and Effective Use of Technology
- Excellence in Online Teaching
- Kevin Beaver
- Janet Berry
- April Powell
- Excellence in Online Mentoring
- Changhyan Nam
- Lifetime Achievement Award
For those who could not attend and in response to the many requests for media from the event, here is a link to a video vignette of the Ceremony http://distance.fsu.edu/instructors/2012-2013-distance-learning-awards. You can also scroll down on the page for individual awardee’s photos and videos.