Academic Leadership Toolkit

Office of Faculty Development and Advancement

Non-reappointment of Non-Tenured Faculty


Specialized Faculty and Non-tenured faculty are offered employment contracts based on their position classification. In some instances, the dean, director, or department head determines that it is in the best interest of the University not to offer the faculty member further appointment beyond their current employment contract. Such faculty members are entitled to written notice of non-reappointment. The length of the notice is dependent on several factors, such as length of employment, classification of position, and funding type. Issuing a notice of non-reappointment should be considered carefully and only with the advice and counsel of the Vice President for Faculty Development and Advancement (FDA), in coordination with Faculty Relations in the Office of Human Resources.


  • To ensure that all faculty members at FSU who earn any period of continued employment are performing at high levels within their specific assignments of responsibility.
  • To ensure compliance with University policies and procedures in providing notice of non-reappointment.

Authority and Responsibility:

  • Department chairs/school directors are directly responsible for the quality of teaching, research, and creative activity within their units. Thus, they are responsible for making recommendations to deans regarding non-renewal of faculty. Often, they take recommendations from faculty evaluation committees in this process.
  • Deans are responsible for making non-reappointment decisions after consulting with the VP for FDA and Faculty Relations in HR.
  • The Office of Faculty Development and Advancement (FDA) publishes reminders regarding annual non-reappointment notices and helps department chairs comply with the FSU-BOT/UFF Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).
  • Faculty Relations in the Office of Human Resources provides guidance to administrators on non-reappointment notice periods, performance management, and disciplinary procedures to ensure compliance with the CBA.

Common Pitfalls:

  • Not providing notice of non-reappointment by the deadline published by FDA.
  • Not providing proper amount of notice of non-reappointment.
