It is general policy that no retiring employees be re-employed using any source of university funding, whether E&G, Contract and Grant, Auxiliary, Foundation or other Direct Support Organization without obtaining prior approval for such re-employment. Approvals will be granted for at most one year at a time.
Policy for Faculty: Faculty exceptions are generally requested in one of the following two categories:
- To request support on Grant funds: The request would originate from the Principal Investigator. The department chair would be required to endorse the request since space will most likely be a consideration as well. The Dean would review and determine whether or not to recommend approval.
- To provide special teaching needs: If the request is to provide teaching, the memo would originate from the chair. The information listed below would be required, as well as a justification explaining why the course is necessary and why it cannot be taught without hiring the retired faculty member. The Dean would review and determine whether or not to recommend approval.
Procedures for Requesting Approval
For re-employment of retired faculty members, a dean submits a request with a memorandum of justification to the Vice President of Faculty Development and Advancement so that approval may be sought from the Provost. If the Provost agrees, the request for re-employment will be granted.
Information to be Included in Requests for Approvals
Requests for approval must include statements addressing the following points:
- Benefit to the University to include the justification described above for teaching needs.
- Source of funds.
- Amount to be paid.
- Dates that the requested employment will cover.
- Type of appointment (OPS/adjunct or other).
- Statement, signed by the faculty member, that they understand that the use of university resources (to include salary, space and facilities) is reviewed on a regular basis, and that this employment does not imply a commitment of those resources beyond the dates of employment.
- Endorsement by the chair if the request comes from a departmentalized college.
Note: Assignment of space to retired faculty will be taken into account when requests for space are received from academic units.
Reemployment of Retirees Policy
Procedural questions
Abigail Lejeune, Office of Human Resources
Policy questions
Melissa Crawford, Office of
Faculty Development and Advancement