The Academic Common Market (ACM) is a tuition-savings program for college students in 15 SREB states, who want to pursue degrees that are not offered by their in-state institutions. Students can enroll in out-of-state institutions that offer their degree program and pay the institution’s in-state tuition rates. More than 1,900 undergraduate and graduate programs are available. Search programs available for your home state by clicking Search for Programs.
The ACM program is not competitive or merit-based, but applicants must meet state residency and college program requirements. It reduces the unnecessary duplication of academic programs among participating states, recognizing that it is impractical for any institution or single state to develop or maintain degree programs in every field of knowledge. It supports existing degree programs that have the capacity to serve additional students. It provides access across state lines for programs not available in a student’s home state. First-professional degree programs, such as medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and optometry, are not offered in the ACM and cannot be requested. Some institutions and states may impose additional acceptance requirements, such as full-time enrollment status or GPA scores.
To enroll as an ACM student, an applicant must obtain certification from the State Coordinator in the student's home state.
For additional information, please contact the Academic Common Market Coordinator for your home state of residency. Contact information may be found by visiting the Southern Regional Education Board website.
No, FSU does not accept undergraduate programs at this time.
Changes to residency status cannot be made to a student’s academic record until the first day of the effective semester. All changes to residency are made before the last day to pay tuition which occurs in the second week of classes.
Acceptance in the ACM affects the tuition rate, not the required enrollment status of a student. Graduate students should check with their academic department to see if they have requirements for enrollment status. Additionally, if the student is absent from the University for two or more consecutive terms; the student must go through the readmissions process. Subsequently, this would require an updated ACM certification letter to be issued by the certifying state.
Please note: the home state can set specific requirements outside of FSU’s requirements.
If, while in the ACM, a student decides to change their major or the type of degree they are pursuing, they must contact their home state and get an updated certification letter for the change of major or degree pursued.
No, you are in the ACM because you are considered to be a resident of another state. In order to be classified as a Florida resident for the purposes of tuition, you are subject to the residency reclassification guidelines set forth by the Articulating Coordinating Committee.
Once your certifying letter has been received, the Office of Financial Aid is notified of your change of residency. If you have any questions concerning your financial aid, you should contact the Office of Financial Aid at or 850.644.0539.
The State University System of Florida and its twelve public postsecondary institutions adopt this Statement on Free Expression to support and encourage full and open discourse and the robust exchange of ideas and perspectives on our respective campuses...